Chasing the Past

1 min read Filed in personal

I have recovered more college research papers, which are now available on the potfolio page. Two of those papers I was very glad to recover. One is a law paper, written for my business law class on US Export Regulations and cryptography, rahter fitting these days. The other is a case study I did for a psychology class, on personality change due to environment. Put a lot of work into those two, and I’m glad I recovered them off old CD’s. Some of my actual better work. There are more documents I also recovered (some rather humorous ones from Ethics class too), so you might take a look if interested.

This also reminded me of many of the rather funny papers I had written while I was still a freshmen and sophmore, which alas I don’t think I’ll be able to recover. I didn’t have a CD burner back then, since this was 1998/99…they were still expensive, which I know for many is hard to believe. It’s funny. You think you know everything bakc then, but then you realize, that you know what, I do know everything, and everyone else is clueless! Man, what was I thinking?