Read and write and someday get it right

1 min read Filed in personal

Well, I love the spring time. But I’m in Seattle, were spring isn’t really like a California spring. But it’s still spring, although colder then I like it, but hey, if I could control the weather, it wouldn’t be. That just made no sense.

I’ve been working a lot of hours across several projects, hence the lack of updates, new photography and lack of general commentary on my part. This very sad lack of time has left several things I like to do in mid-air:

  • I’ve got a storyboard and script to finish for not one, but count them two film projects, and have been lacking time to do either of them
  • I haven’t gone a photography type weekend in a while
  • Don’t even start with me about lack of pitch time

Needless to say, I wish I was doing these things.

This brings up another point. If you’ve sent me email, and I haven’t got back to you, don’t panic, I have not totally blown you off. I’m answering as much email as I can when ever I have the chance.

Now, I have to go back to work. Because hey, that’s all I do!