Farewell Friends

Over the past week, for some reason I’ve only seen just about every newspaper critic run the “Friends was a horrible show” column by the droves. I’ve heard the critics on the radio, how overhyped the finale was, that it was not a good sitcom and how the actors were hacks. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but nearly all the people I heard these things from had seen only one show, if any.

This brings me to my point. Those people, who I would say were past their younger years just sounded bad. It’s one thing to voice your opinion, but you look bad when it’s an uninformed one.

Why did I watch Friends? Why did lots of people my age watch and love the show? Because everyone one wanted their life to be just like those friends we loved to watch. I know I did. I mean I could relate, I wanted to have the hip life with the good friends in the cool apartment. It was the way things were supposed to be. Everyone wanted to be in that apartment. For a lot of people, that’s where they were in life. It just made sense.

I think a lot of people who bad mouth the show just took it way too seriously; it was a sitcom. If you don’t like it, great, just don’t try to convince me that me watching the last 10 years was some sort of horrible wrong that should be righted. I’m not trying to convice you to like it am I?

As for the finale, I must say that the show started a little slow for me. I wasn’t sure how they were going to wrap it up. The theme ws clever though; twins baby coming into the world, new baby chick and duck, new jobs and lives. Out with the old in with the new. Change. But with change the one thing never did change; they all remained friends. So simple, yet so hard to do in real life. It was well written from the beginning, but the ending was written to pure perfection. The laughs generated at the end, I mean was I supposed to be crying or laughing? I was doing both, and it was great. They invoked a lot of emotion, and stayed true to the show by keeping you in that off balance state.

I haven’t seen the critics reviews, and frankly they can say what ever they want. But to the fans of Friends, to the people that watched because they wanted to, because they liked the characters and loved the theme, to them it was great. No one is going to convice me, or them, otherwise. So do us a favor, and just let us be happy with the classy ending to a great show.