Another successful wedding

2 min read Filed in Uncategorized

This wedding posting is a bit late (okay, almost a week late), but it has taken me that long to recover from this last wedding. My cousin Jana, and her new husband Josh tied the note on August 14th.

Now, this was a wedding blowout. A party to end all parties. The food was great, the booze was flowing, and the band was rocking. Most of the time, you can count the number of drunk people at a wedding on one hand. At this wedding everyone was drunk, dancing, and insane. The bride and groom were a little drunk (okay, wasted) as was everyone else. It was just too much fun.

When I say people were dancing, I’m talking everyone. And low and behold, just when I though I had seen it all, the truth came crashing upon me. The rumors of many family friends had been correct: my parents can dance. Not just dance, but dance well, in fact, exceptional. I had always heard the talk. “Best dancers you’ll ever see” recalls one union buddy. “Trust me, your parents can take anyone on the dance floor” was another friend. All these parties I never went to, all the union hall events. They can dance. The truth is well true: my parents kick ass on the dance floor!

All in all, this wedding just lightened my heart. There is nothing like good old Portuguese wedding.