A constant sprint at marathon distance

2 min read Filed in Uncategorized

I’ve been lacking on the updates of late, including my photography and some articles I’ve recently written. The issue of time is a constant reminder that I simply seem to be running short of it these days. I’ve been of course working, which has consumed most of my early mornings and late afternoons. Classes have kept me busy in the evening. Every once and a while I do get some sleep.

Basically, I’m running a marathon and sprinting the entire way. This makes me tired, yet drives me to run even faster. Some of the more interesting developments as of late include:

* I've continued to meet interesting executives from a number of industries thanks in part to my professors willingness.  Thank you Laurie MacPherson and John Durham.
* This past weekend, I found myself in Las Vegas with John and some other MBA candidates touring the strip and learning marketing techniques from a director from MGM properties.
* This Thursday I'm attending a REACH event for the <a href="http://www.sfbig.com/">Bay Area Interactive Group</a>, of which John is president. I'm also becoming a member of the group.
* Interesting enough, on the trip back from Las Vegas, I met a very interesting painter, Nadia Klein, who was coming out to San Francisco for a show.  I've looked at <a href="http://www.nadiasgallery.com">her website</a>, and she is quite the painter. It was very interesting talking with her on the plane.

I just love going out and meeting interesting people. This has been the trend the last couple months for me personally, and I’ve got to say it’s amazing who you meet when you just stop talking and listen.